In the Garden - with Lu

7 Easy steps to prepare your garden for winter:

A man trimming a tree with a pair of gardening shears

Remove any dead or unwanted plants. Fall is a great time to review what plants did well and what plants did not. You may want to introduce a new variety into your garden. This is the time to do some research on what plants and varieties will do well in your area.

Prune. Trees go into a dormant stage in the fall, so prune now to cut away any broken or dead branches. This does no harm to the tree and can significantly increase tree health.

A woman is digging up plants from a garden

Divide and conquer. Mid October is the best time to dig up those plants that appear crowded and have overgrown other plants. Many of these plants can be split and moved around the garden. This is especially true of Hostas, Daylilies, Black-eyed Susans and Cornflowers

Add compost. Adding compost in the fall is the best way you can prepare your garden for spring. Adding a 2-to-3-inch layer in the fall will give it more time to breakdown and become usable to your plants in the spring.

Mulch, mulch, and more mulch! Adding a 3-to-4-inch layer of mulch will  help insulate the soil so plants can survive the winter, as they do like to keep their “feet” warm. Mulch also helps the garden retain water and prevent unsightly weeds and weed grasses from developing.

Deep Water those perennials! Sometime prior to ground freeze, it is good practice to deep water all your trees and shrubs. This can help in protecting their roots from those freezing mid-winter temperatures

a well edged garden

Fall is a great time to edge your garden beds! In my opinion, adding a deep garden edge of 3 to 5 inches can make even the most hideous garden “pop” and add a wow factor. It shows structure, adds curb appeal, defines pathways, and adds order to your garden. It clearly shows you where your garden starts and ends.

Finally…. Over the winter review and map out what you would like to introduce into your garden, maybe you would like to expand your garden, maybe try some companion planting like Black-eyed Susan and Cornflowers

Remember, gardeners are creative, hardworking and passionate people. Gardeners are caretakers.

Find the gardener in you!
