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In The Garden with Lu – Planters and Flowerpots

Container gardening offers a flexible and vibrant way to enhance your living spaces with flowers and plants. Here’s a detailed look at different types of container gardening:


Description: Flowerpots come in various shapes and sizes and can be easily moved to different locations to beautify and add color to the landscape.

Planting Technique: Often follow the “thriller, filler, spiller” method:

  • Thriller: A tall, eye-catching plant (e.g., Canna lily) that adds height.
  • Filler: Lower-growing annuals that fill the space around the thriller.
  • Spiller: Trailing plants (e.g., ivy or Creeping Jenny) that spill over the edges.

Placement: Typically, in full sun; select plants that thrive in such conditions.

Concept: Think of flowerpots as portable gardens that can be repositioned as needed.


  • Description: Larger containers that are usually less mobile than flowerpots.
  • Uses: Commonly used as privacy planters where traditional gardening is not feasible.
  • Function: Can accommodate a variety of plants, creating a cozy and private environment.
  • Design: These planters can hold a diverse range of plants to meet various gardening needs.


  • Description: Hanging baskets often used to fill empty spaces with color.
  • Placement: Generally placed on porches or in areas that need a splash of color.
  • Sunlight Requirements: Most hanging baskets require full sun (at least 6 hours per day), though some can tolerate shade or partial sun.
  • Purpose: Ideal for adding vertical interest and brightening up spaces where ground planting is not possible.

Maintenance Tips for Container Gardening

  • Daily Attention: Regular maintenance includes picking, cleaning, untangling, and deadheading.
  • Watering: Essential for container gardens, often requiring daily watering. In hot weather, twice-daily watering might be necessary.
  • Irrigation: If you have an irrigation system, consider adding a zone specifically for watering pots, planters, and hangers. This can ensure they receive consistent moisture, typically around 2 minutes of watering in the morning and afternoon.


Container gardening can transform otherwise barren spaces into vibrant, colorful areas. Despite the effort required for daily care, the visual and aesthetic rewards make it worthwhile. By carefully selecting and arranging plants, and ensuring they receive adequate water and maintenance, you can create stunning and dynamic outdoor displays.


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